Kategoriarkiv: Web

Web.config – IIS7 – FW4

This blogpost is a reference for myself so I’m able to remember what is important when configuring web.config for a MS Framework 4 web appliction on IIS 7.x.

When configuring a web application it is often easy to forget details for making the web application work smoothly.

Here are some reminders when configuring web.config:

  • The compilation tag must contain the attribute targetFramework=»4.0″
  • System.web tags must be renamed to system.webserver on IIS7.x
  • Httphandlers are called handlers on IIS7.x
  • Httpmodules are called modules on IIS7.x
  • If «system.codedom» exists in web.config, remove all content for Framework 4

Further update is coming later…

URL Tools

This blogpost has it’s purpose to be an explanation to my self in order to understand and remember what I have previously researched on.

URL is a word often used on hyperlinks used on internet. Url which is a acronym for uniform resource locator.

Explanation of Uri, Url, Urn and Urc
Ifølge W3C så er alle hyperlinker URIer (uniform resource idenfier). Innen for begrepet URI har vi fins det to typer.
URL (uniform resource locator) er en type URI som lokaliserer en ressurs mens urn viser til navnet på en ressurs

According to W3C all kinds of links are URI (uniform resource identifier). There are two types of URIs called Url and Urn. Additionally there are another acronym called Urc. In short the three acronyms can be explained like this:

URL (uniform resource locator) is a address that referes to the location of a resource.

URN (uniform resource name) is the name of a resource regardless of the location.

URC (uniform resource characteristics/citation) is often used when talking about metadata like author, copyright for a resource.
Shorten urls

This is a website tool that help with shorten long hyperlinks. The new link always starts with http://tinyurl.com and then a cryptic word what idenifies your site. Instead of the cryptic word you may specify your own word that will identify your resource.

Similar to Tinyurl. This is a tool provided by google. If you insert the character plus (+) at the end of your url you get statistics and more information regarding your site. Pretty neat! 🙂

Similar to goo.gl. Provides information similar to goo.gl by putting the character plus (+) at the end of the link.


Similar to goo.gl and bit.ly, but you need to provide the character minus (-) in order to get more information about the link.

To avoid phishing, malware, and viruses there are pages that gives you the opertunity to check the url before you navigate to it. You can use http://LongURL.org to check the real address for the resource you will navigate to.

Storing favorite links





To be continued later…
